A&E News
The Latest And Greatest News From A&E Conveyor Systems Company.
Discover The Original Pur-Rinse Waterless Rinsing Advantage.
A&E Conveyor Systems pioneered waterless rinsing technology. We were the first to introduce a commercially acceptable system for replacing conventional water rinsing systems used in high-speed beverage canning operations. The A&E Pur-Rinse System is based on our patented Air-Vac technology we introduced in 1993 and have installed over hundreds worldwide.
The A&E Pur-Rinse System Air-Vac technology uses high pressure ionized air as the cleaning agent, combined with a continuous vacuuming process to help remove debris. The system has built-in diagnostic features and internal alarm functions to ensure that it operates correctly. Our Air-Vac and Advanced Ionization Controls are the key elements that differentiate the A&E Pur-Rinse System from the current competition.
We now offer A&E’s Pur-Rinse Systems for cleaning all types of non-returnable containers.